Happy Summer

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Friends and marshmallows go together like campfires and camping. Why not bring some of this fun into your backyard with a fire pit designed for outdoor entertaining? We have lots of great ideas for fire pits and seating, and we love to help our customers make the most of their time under the stars. In honor of summer and s'mores season, we have a few fun variations on the traditional graham cracker/chocolate bar/marshmallow version.

*Try ditching the graham cracker and stuffing a sugar ice cream cone with chocolate and mini marshmallows. Wrap it in foil and place it on your fire pit grill for a few minutes. Tasty AND you don't end up with a gooey mess all over your hands.

*Instead of graham crackers, consider cookies--we like fudge stripes best.

*Instead of chocolate, give Reese's peanut butter cups a whirl. If you love peanut butter, you will never go back to just chocolate again.